With time pressure people are under, the full regime is often skipped, but they remain essential to maintaining healthy looking skin
Facial skin is delicate and requires special attention.
Step 1
Cleansing removes make up and the grime and dirt that have accumulated through out the day. The face should be cleansed:
- Remove mascara with a cotton bud that is dipped in an eye-cleansing lotion.
- Remove eye shadow by wiping with a cotton ball dipped in an eye-cleansing lotion.
- Apply with the palm of the hand a cleanser, over the complete face, ensuring the forehead and nose are thoroughly cleansed, along with the thoat
- Beginning under the throat, gently massage the cleanser into the skin, working up the face to the forehead using a light circular motion with teh tips of the fingers
- Again, working from the throat upwards, remove the cleanser with a cotton ball
Toning should follow the cleansing part of the regime and it fulfils an important function. Once the skin has been cleansed, pores tend to open up, which enables moisture to more easily leave the skin, which dehydrates it and open pores are more susceptible to airborn dust and other particles.
Toning should follow the cleansing part of the regime and it fulfils an important function. Once the skin has been cleansed, pores tend to open up, which enables moisture to more easily leave the skin, which dehydrates it and open pores are more susceptible to airborn dust and other particles.
- Using a cotton pad gently apply the toner to the face.
Moisturizing ensures that the skin is smooth and supple, by locking moisture into the skin.
Moisturizing ensures that the skin is smooth and supple, by locking moisture into the skin.
- With your fingertips dot moisturizer gently all over the face.
- Using fingertips, gently massage the cream into the skin.
- Massage the cream around the jaw line, chin and mouth with the middle finger of both hands.
- While massaging cream over the throat using alternate hands and upward strokes from the collarbone to the chin.
For a more rigorous home facials process, Click Here!
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